Swiss Snowboard Speed Tour

Bienvenue sur la page officielle du Swiss Snowboard Speed Tour ! Tu trouveras sur cette page toutes les informations essentielles concernant le Tour ainsi que des vidéos époustouflantes et des photos spectaculaires.

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Consulte ici les résultats du Tour actuel.
Classement national
Qui mène au classement national ? Tu le sauras ici.
Le Swiss Snowboard Speed Tour en photos – viens les admirer ici.
Pour visionner toutes les vidéos du Swiss Snowboard Speed Tour, c’est par ici.
Shred Days
Ta journée de snowboard: viens peaufiner ta technique sous la conduite de professionnels.

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...the Snowboard Speed Tour?


Swiss Skicross Tour
David Ortlieb
Projektleiter Freestyle-Events
T +41 31 950 62 20

Anmeldung/Registration Contact
FEM Service

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Spektakuläre Heldengeschichten, frisch von der Kinoleinwand in dein Wohnzimmer.

Mikaela Shiffrin
Mikaela Shiffrin
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Still getting the question about this season and weather it has sunk in yet…that’s still a resounding NOPE

Rösti Lars
Rösti Lars
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Überaus Dankbar das diese Partnerschaft weitergeht

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Paint your own path. Find the freedom to express yourself with the iconic BOSS x Keith Haring Legends collection #BeYourOwnBOSS

© Keith Haring Foundation. Licensed by Artestar, New York.

FISI - Federazione Italiana Sport Invernali
FISI - Federazione Italiana Sport Invernali
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Presso la nuovissima e prestigiosa sede dell’Istituto Galeazzi – Sant’Ambrogio, la più recente delle strutture del Gruppo San Donato , partner della Federazione, si è svolto il Convegno sulla riforma del lavoro sportivo.
L’appuntamento, organizzato da STF e Coscuma, ha raccolto l’attenzione di oltre 200 dirigenti sportivi e rappresentanti di società, alle prese con le nuove norme in merito alla riforma.


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On the occasion of Olympic Day, we want to relive with you the downhill race in Vancouver in 2010 in which our piste designer, Didier Defago, won the gold medal.

FISI - Federazione Italiana Sport Invernali
FISI - Federazione Italiana Sport Invernali
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Ditecelo nei commenti

FISI - Federazione Italiana Sport Invernali
FISI - Federazione Italiana Sport Invernali
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Ditecelo nei commenti

Aleksander Aamodt Kilde
Aleksander Aamodt Kilde
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Summer Days w/ Family