Swiss Snowboard Speed Tour

Bienvenue sur la page officielle du Swiss Snowboard Speed Tour ! Tu trouveras sur cette page toutes les informations essentielles concernant le Tour ainsi que des vidéos époustouflantes et des photos spectaculaires.

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Consulte ici les résultats du Tour actuel.
Classement national
Qui mène au classement national ? Tu le sauras ici.
Le Swiss Snowboard Speed Tour en photos – viens les admirer ici.
Pour visionner toutes les vidéos du Swiss Snowboard Speed Tour, c’est par ici.
Shred Days
Ta journée de snowboard: viens peaufiner ta technique sous la conduite de professionnels.

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David Ortlieb
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T +41 31 950 62 20

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FISI - Federazione Italiana Sport Invernali
FISI - Federazione Italiana Sport Invernali
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La FIS (Federazione Internazionale dello Sci e dello Snowboard) ha ufficializzato l’assegnazione all’Italia dei Mondiali seniores e juniores di skiroll del 2023, arrivata dopo la rinuncia nelle scorse settimane da parte dell’Estonia, che avrebbe dovuto ospitare la manifestazione tra Otepaae e Tartu. Sarà la località brianzola di Lazzate, in provincia di Monza e Brianza, ad ospitare l’evento per l’organizzazione dello Sci Club Volta.

Matterhorn Cervino Speed Opening
Matterhorn Cervino Speed Opening
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Get ready!

Christof Innerhofer
Christof Innerhofer
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On Saturday 24th June you will find us in Cuneo at the Fausto Coppi to present the Mattehorn Cervino Speed Opening! ⛷️

With us will be two guests of honour: Marta Bassino and Elena Curtoni.

FISI - Federazione Italiana Sport Invernali
FISI - Federazione Italiana Sport Invernali
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Infiliamo la tuta e gli sci e facciamo iniziare questa settimana!

Priska Nufer
Priska Nufer
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What an experience

Jasmine Flury
Jasmine Flury
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Rückblick auf mein Wochenhighlight

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Celebrating tennis and style, together. As we fast approach the final match of the #BOSSOpen, we loved seeing some of our favourite faces – including #Akamz, #LeaElui, #EliasBecker, #CarlosBottcher, LucaHeubl, #AnaKohler – at Stuttgart's Weissenhof Tennis Club this weekend #BeYourOwnBOSS

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Celebrating tennis and style, together. As we fast approach the final match of the #BOSSOpen, we loved seeing some of our favourite faces – including #Akamz, #LeaElui, #EliasBecker, #CarlosBottcher, LucaHeubl, #AnaKohler – at Stuttgart's Weissenhof Tennis Club this weekend #BeYourOwnBOSS